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Anchor 11


WWII Luftwaffe - Twin Airframe Experimental Aircraft

Messerschmitt Bf109Z "Zwilling

Bf109 Z
Bf109 Z
Bf109 Z
Bf109 Z
Bf109 Z
Bf109 Z
Bf109 Z

About Aircraft

The Bf109 Z "Zwilling" was designed by combining two airframes of Bf109F. It was designed for carring 2,200 lb bombs and 30mm canons? Only one Bf109 Z was built and never flown. It was destroyed allied bombing in factory hangar, 1943

Pilot & Markings

"What if" Defence of Reich, Germany, 1945

Kit & Construction

1/72 Amodel Kit • Out of the box build
Scratch build antenna. Painted by airbrush. Weathered by oil colours and mixed techniques.
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